International. ASHRAE developed proactive guidance to help address concerns about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) regarding the operation and maintenance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
The ASHRAE COVID-19 Readiness Resources: webpage provides easily accessible resources for ASHRAE professionals to building industry professionals.
"The recent escalation in the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 is alarming on a global scale," said ASHRAE 2019-20 President Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng. "While ASHRAE supports expanded research to fully understand how the coronavirus is transmitted, we know that healthy buildings are part of the solution. ASHRAE's COVID-19 preparedness resources are available as guidance to building owners, operators and engineers on how to best protect occupants from exposure to the virus, particularly in relation to airborne particles that could circulate through HVAC systems."
Available on the website is the recently approved ASHRAE position paper on Airborne Infectious Diseases. The Society's position is that facilities of all kinds should follow, at a minimum, the latest standards and practical guidelines.
The following publications are referenced in the position paper and on the resource webpage:
• ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2019, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality: describes minimum ventilation rates and other measures aimed at providing IAQ that is acceptable to human occupants and minimizes adverse health effects.
• ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2019, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings: defines the functions and minimum requirements for mechanical and natural ventilation systems and building envelope intended to provide acceptable indoor air quality in low-rise residential buildings.
• ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2017, Ventilation of Healthcare Facilities: Ventilation Guide, Regulation and Mandates for Healthcare Facility Designers. It addresses hospital spaces, outpatient clinics and nursing homes.
• ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017, General Ventilation Air Cleaning Device Test Method for Particle Size Removal Efficiency: Establishes a laboratory test method to measure the performance of general ventilation air cleaning devices in removing particles of specific diameters.
• ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2017, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy: specifies conditions for acceptable thermal environments and is intended for use in the design, operation and commissioning of buildings and other occupied spaces.
• ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.2-2014, Ultraviolet Lamp Test Method for Use in HVAC&R Units or Air Ducts for Inactivating Microorganisms on Irradiated Surfaces: Establishes a test method for measuring the intensity of ultraviolet lamps on irradiated surfaces under typical HVAC&R operating conditions.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 161-2018, Air Quality in Commercial Aircraft: defines air quality requirements in air transport aircraft and specifies measurement and test methods to establish compliance with the standard.
ASHRAE Guideline 28-2016, Air Quality in Commercial Aircraft: Serves as a companion to ANSI/ASHRAE 161, Air Quality in Commercial Aircraft. It includes additional research and supporting information for guidance in the assessment and assurance of good air quality within the aircraft cabin.
The position paper also advises that new and existing medical care intake and waiting areas, crowded shelters, and similar facilities should go beyond the minimum requirements of these documents, using techniques covered in the ASHRAE Indoor Air Quality Guide to be even better prepared to control airborne infectious diseases (including a future pandemic caused by a new infectious agent).
Because small particles remain in the air for a period of time, the design and operation of airborne HVAC systems can affect disease transmission in a number of ways, including:
- Supply of clean air to susceptible occupants
- Contain polluted air and/or expel it outside
- Dilute the air in a space with cleaner air from outside and/or filtering the air
- Clean the air inside the room
ASHRAE recommends the following strategies of interest to address disease transmission: dilution ventilation, laminar and other flow regimes in the room, differential pressurization of the room, personalized ventilation, source capture ventilation, filtration (central or unitary) and UVGI (upper room, interior room, and in the air stream).
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