Colombia. Within the framework of Construverde Colombia 2019 "Revolution of Sustainable Business", an event that took place last week and was organized by the Colombian Council for Sustainable Construction, distinctions were presented to 27 LEED Certified real estate projects and 5 projects certified by CASA Colombia, for its recent achievements and contributions to the sustainable development of the sector.
The awards were presented by Roger Platt, Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Growth of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Viviana Valdivieso Executive Director of the CCCS, Stefanie Young Vice President of Technical Solutions of the US Green Building Council, Roger Platt Senior Vice President Strategic Partnerships and Growth, and María Alexandra Cardona Gbci Business Development Leader for Colombia, gave the representatives of different companies the recognition of these high-performance real estate developments.
These projects continue to transform the sector in relation to the green growth agenda, reducing its environmental impact and materializing their contribution to the goals of the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the quality of urban life.
"Some real estate projects achieved the highest distinction by obtaining the certification at the Platinum Level, among these are the offices of the WPP Group, made up of seven advertising and communications agencies and, the Ecotower Chicó project, a corporate office building with a strategic location in Bogotá. Grupo Éxito, a new member of the CCCS, and Makro continue to demonstrate that sustainable construction is favorable in the retail sector with the certification of its new warehouses," said Viviana Valdivieso, Executive Director of the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction.
LEED certified projects in Colombia – CCCS Alliance - GBCI
"Within the framework of the alliance between the Green Business Certification Inc (GBCI, certifying entity of the LEED system) and the CCCS, the existence of 386 real estate projects registered in the LEED system to date that confirm the resounding success of these practices in the country stands out. Likewise, 171 of these projects have already achieved this important certification and another 217 are still in the process of being certified. These figures show that LEED continues to be the most successful and widely used sustainable construction certification system in the country in institutional and commercial uses, with projects in 52 cities and 24 departments, and with investments close to 23 billion pesos, "said Viviana Valdivieso, Executive Director of the CCCS.
CASA Colombia the CCCS certification system for sustainable housing
CASA Colombia is the certification system in sustainable construction of the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction for the housing segment with application even in social housing, which facilitates cost-efficient structuring, promotes the concept of integral sustainability and the measurement and verification of concrete indicators for new housing real estate projects in the country.M More than 2200 housing units are in the process of certification in Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Nariño and Valle del Cauca. It is worth noting that these practices reached the Social Interest Housing segment to stay and today 4 VIS projects have CASA Colombia pre-certification.
List of the 27 awarded LEED projects:
Project Name | City | Certification level |
Medicadiz New Headquarters | Ibagué | Certificate |
IE Gabriel Garcia Marquez | Yumbo | Silver |
Mall Plaza Manizales | Manizales | Silver |
Ecotower Chico | Bogota | Platinum |
VerdeVivo CEIBA Tower 1 | Itaguí | Gold |
14-97 PARK | Bogota | Gold |
Military Health Establishment | Bogota | Certificate |
80.11 | Bogota | Gold |
Q Office | Medellin | Gold |
Success La Central | Medellin | Silver |
Makro Cajica | Cajicá | Silver |
Dow Bogota Office | Bogota | Gold |
Cortezza 93 | Bogota | Gold |
Makro Tunja | Tunja | Gold |
Zonamerica Stage 1 - Building A | Cali | Gold |
Ecotek 99 | Bogota | Silver |
Makro Floridablanca Shop | Floridablanca | Gold |
Makro Aranda Bridge | Bogota | Gold |
Shop Makro Villa del Rio | Bogota | Gold |
Success The Dream | Bogota | Silver |
Bog Americas Business Center | Bogota | Certificate |
WPP | Bogota | Platinum |
Kubik Viceroy | Bogota | Gold |
Tunja Dual Success | Tunja | Certificate |
Hotel Grand Hyatt Bogota | Bogota | Silver |
Movistar Arena | Bogota | Silver |
Rochester School New Site project | Bogota | Gold |