International. Aerobiologists warn of the danger of contagion in poorly ventilated spaces. According to a study by the Spanish Association of Aerobiology and the Spanish Society of Health, the transmission of COVID-19 indoors with inadequate ventilation can be 20 times higher than outdoors.
UVc to inactivate any pathogen indoors
Specifically, they collect in their case study 318 outbreaks, which once analyzed, all but one, occurred in enclosed spaces. Among the recommendations that are included to avoid the inhalation of particles contaminated by Coronavirus, it stands out to stay away from crowded spaces and with inadequate and / or insufficient ventilation, but, in addition:
• The use of Uvc technology to offer additional protection against the Delta variant of the Coronavirus.
• Rely on type C ultraviolet light because it is indicated for schools, hotels, hospitals, homes, restaurants and doctors' offices, for example.
UVc technology eliminates viruses and bacteria and also improves hygienic conditions. A better indoor air quality that is an ally in indoor spaces with high occupancy. The range of possibilities of SODECA equipment with this technology makes it easier to respond to the different needs of indoor air purification.
From portable purifiers such as UPM or AIRDOG to those that can be installed in ducts, all of them are safe solutions for people's health while cleaning the particles (and odors) present in aerosols, a route of transmission of contagious diseases.
SODECA has different solutions to inactivate pathogens in aerosols
A technical solution suitable for each environment
The air we breathe can be healthier if we turn to the right technology. Today our well-being and health depend more than ever on the conditions of the buildings and premises where we spend most of our time. Opening the windows is no longer a guarantee of health, much less comfort. Ensuring that the air we breathe is clean offers us peace of mind. In addition, adapting our building to environmental and energy regulations is an investment in savings and quality of life.
UVc technology is one of those offered by SODECA in its solutions to improve the air we breathe in enclosed spaces.
How does it work?
Germicidal irradiation with UVc shortwave ultraviolet radiation technology inactivates viral, bacterial and fungal organisms, disturbing the DNA of a wide range of microorganisms.
According to Boston University, UVc shortwave ultraviolet lamps with a dose of 5m/cm of ultraviolet UVc light radiation of 254 nm, there is a reduction of two Coronaviruses close to SARS-CoV-2 such as SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV.