Brazil. Due to severe droughts affecting hydroelectric generation, the Brazilian government is imposing measures to reduce electricity consumption in public buildings, including limiting the use of air conditioning.
According to the IEA, Brazil was the largest producer of hydropower after China in 2020. [1] Unfortunately, severe droughts in Brazil are currently affecting the country's hydroelectric capacity as its reservoirs dry up.
In response, the Brazilian government issued a decree on August 26, 2021, outlining measures to reduce electricity consumption in public buildings by 10 to 20% between September 2021 and April 2022, relative to average consumption during the same period in 2018 and 2019. . [2]
As for data centers, the decree states that rooms must be "cooled only to the limit of what is technically necessary." [3]
Regarding the use of air conditioning, temperature settings should be limited to 24 ° C and air conditioners should be turned off when the room is not occupied. Natural ventilation should be preferred on days with mild temperatures. The installation of air renewal systems is necessary in air conditioning systems that do not have it, such as window appliances, splits, multi-splits and variable refrigerant flow systems. For new or renovated buildings, the purchase of air conditioners equipped with a compressor with variable speed technology is mandatory.
Overall, the decree requires public agencies to purchase the most energy-efficient equipment, follow energy efficiency standards, and perform preventive maintenance on equipment.