Brazil. Full Gauge Controls recently received the Great Place to Work Brasil recognition, a certification that shows that the company is a place that truly cares about the well-being of its workforce and cares to keep them satisfied, proud, motivated and happy.
"YES! We are very honored to receive such an important certification as this, as it attests that we are among the 'BEST COMPANIES' to work for!" the brand says in one of its social media posts.
"Since the company was created in 1985, our mission is to offer excellent products and services, but always with a strong concern for the human side of the people who work with us. In other words, it's about making a difference in the lives of people, especially our employees, who chose to be part of this great team," the company added.
Full Gauge Controls currently has about 300 employees in a physical structure with more than 7,350m² in Brazil and a unit in the United States.