International. Belimo recently launched its new Range of Energy Valves ™ with the Thermal Energy Meter that integrates energy metering and control, Delta T management and IoT-enabled billing into a single device. It offers direct and seamless integration with BMS or IoT-based monitoring platforms. Energy metering and control with certified energy metering and billing are linked. It brings together performance features to save time and costs.
Belimo's Energy Valve offers certified energy measurement (MID), independent pressure control and delta T management in a single device. The delta T manager integrated into Belimo Energy Valve ™ continuously measures temperature dispersion and compares it to the fixed user-defined limit. If the temperature falls below the limit value, the Energy Valve ™ automatically adjusts the flow rate to eliminate overflow.
Heating or cooling systems that run on excessive amounts of water cannot convert this excess flow into increased heating or cooling capacity, often resulting in a low delta T syndrome in the plant. Measuring and controlling the temperature distribution between flow and return in each heat exchanger is key to ensuring the lowest possible pumping costs; this integrated solution prevents the occurrence of a low delta T in the heat exchanger, while retaining comfort.
The Energy Valve's integrated meters are certified according to EN1434/MID and are equipped to be seamlessly incorporated into the BMS and, if necessary, into an IoT-based billing platform. Our non-certified meter options contain Belimo's patented automatic glycol compensation and monitoring feature to ensure power measurements remain accurate, regardless of glycol concentration. The Energy Valve with thermal energy meter offers glycol monitoring using the advanced onboard logic algorithm to ensure optimal glycol levels at all times, reducing high pumping costs and eliminating freezing risks.
The Energy Valve ™ and Thermal Energy Meter work with Belimo Assistant applications and the web server tool to support the design process, simplify commissioning, facilitate troubleshooting, and maintain records and certificates as needed.
The Near Field Communication (NFC) interface allows for easy setup and maintenance directly from a smartphone using the Assistant app with or without the device turned on.
Energy Valve products and the Thermal Energy Meter can be powered via PoE via an Ethernet cable, simplifying installation, avoiding wiring errors, and providing a faster and more stable network connection while eliminating the need for a local power supply.
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