Peru. SAEG Engineering Group confirmed Eng. Henry Tafur as its new Senior Business Developer for the Peru offices.
Henry is an Electrical Engineer, graduated from the National University of Callao, MBA from the San Ignacio de Loyola University. He has extensive experience in the Commercial and Projects area leading multidisciplinary commercial teams. Oriented to the fulfillment of goals and teamwork.
"More than 22 years providing solutions in the industrial, commercial and mining sectors, have positioned SAEG as a market leader in HVAC. That is why in search of excellence we have integrated our team with human resources of great weight, "says the company through a statement.
Eng. Tafur comes from serving as Head of Sales Industry-Mining-Construction-Tenders of Promelsa. He also had work experience in Sigelec, in Anixter Jorvex, among others.