Latin America. A Radiant Air Conditioning System operates with cold or hot water for the cooling or heating stages. The water circulates through drywall panels that inside carry a pipe coil and an aluminum plate.
The combination of these elements (coil and plate), allows to guarantee a homogeneous surface temperature of the drywall.
The comfort of end users is given by a heat exchange through electromagnetic radiation, which is the most suitable heat transfer for humans.
The radiant air conditioning system is based on a Chiller (Water Cooler) for the circulation of cold water or a Heat Pump for the generation of cold and hot water.
The Chiller is of the same characteristics as those used in the Air Conditioning, except for the following differences:
● Radiant Air Conditioning, in the cooling phase, requires a higher water temperature than that used by Air Conditioning.
● In the cooling phase, radiant air conditioning operates with a water temperature between 12°C and 19°C.
● Conventional air conditioning operates with a water temperature between 4°C and 6°C.
● This temperature difference makes the Radiant Air Conditioning Heat Pump of smaller capacity than a Chiller for Air Conditioning.
● The difference ranges between 35% and 60% and, consequently, the cost of the Heat Pump and its electricity consumption can represent savings of up to 50%.
● The Radiant Air Conditioning system, being of a lower capacity compared to a Chiller, also requires a lower flow of water.
● Therefore, the diameters of the pipes will be smaller than those of an Air Conditioner.
● This results in a lower cost of the chapter of pipes and accessories, which can reach up to 35%.
● The Radiant Air Conditioning system does not employ indoor hydronic units such as fancoils, cassette, floor ceilings or other equipment. Since the heat exchange is done through electromagnetic radiation between the roof in drywall and the environment to be heated in the chosen area. By not using this equipment, the installation of the drainage system is saved (savings in costs of PVC pipes, insulation and labor). Nor are electrical power connections required to power these hydronic units and, therefore, are additional savings in electrical piping costs, wiring and labor.
● The Radiant Air Conditioning system uses a Chiller of lower capacity and, as it does not require hydronic units within the spaces to be air-conditioned, the cost of preventive maintenance is lower, up to 40%, compared to the conventional air conditioning system.
At the architectural level, the radiant air conditioning system has the following technical advantages:
● Aesthetically, the radiant air conditioning system is better. As there are no invasive systems such as fan coil equipment or others, the interior design of each of the areas will be more attractive to users. In addition, the cost of the Drywall will be included in the Chapter on Mechanical Installations of Radiant Air Conditioning; which represents a lower cost for the work.
● The drywall system used for the radiant air conditioning system adapts to complex geometries that can be used in the ceiling of the project.
● The Radiant Air Conditioning System meets the prerequisites requested for Leed and Edge Certifications.
● The Radiant Air Conditioning System provides additional points for Leed and Edge Certifications.
* Article by Jhon Carlos Olivares Socha, Head of Specialty HVAC - WSP Colombia.
en seguida lo llamo.
Un cordial saludo,
Ugo Cascella
Agente para Colombia
RAM (Radiant Architecture Manufacturing)
[email protected]
RADIANTE, estoy radicado en cartagena ,y el clima es bastante caluroso, seria muy
interesante, trabajar el mercado con este PRODUCTO. Gracias
Astolfo A, Diaz Cardenas, Cel 3008372590