International. Carel officially announced the temporary closure of the activities of plants located in Italy, following the local government measures related to the emergency linked to COVID-19, following the last Decree of the Office of the Italian Prime Minister, dated March 22.
The company stated that in this situation, and in order to minimize as far as possible the negative impact derived from the interruption of production in Italy, the existence of production plants of the Carel Group in almost all continents becomes especially important. For that reason, they can guarantee significant production flexibility guaranteed by five factories, some of which have recently been expanded within the Group's expansion policy.
The production plants are located in Croatia, Germany, Brazil, China and the United States, all of which are currently in full operation.
The measures already taken in relation to office workers are still valid, and allow teleworking in a percentage close to 100%.
"Carel confirms its commitment to managing this emergency and will take all necessary measures to protect the health of its employees, both in Italy and in the rest of the world," the official statement said.