International. ASHRAE announced the incorporation of the Global Indoor Environmental Quality Alliance (IEQ-GA) as a legal entity. The announcement of the incorporation of IEQ-GA took place at a ceremony during the 40th AIVC conference, held on October 15 in Ghent, Belgium.
The mission of the IEQ-GA is to promote and advocate for acceptable indoor environmental quality (thermal environment, indoor air quality, lighting and acoustics) for building occupants globally, while ensuring that knowledge of IEQ research is implemented in practice.
At the ceremony, the founding members celebrated with short speeches on the establishment of the alliance and presented their vision for achieving a healthy indoor environment in the building industry.
The founding members of the corporation are the Italian Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Association (AiCARR), the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), the Air Filtration and Ventilation Center (AIVC), the Indian Society of Heating Engineers, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. (ISHRAE), the European Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (REHVA) and ASHRAE.
"We are inspired by the progressive approach IEQ-GA has in the construction industry," said ASHRAE 2019-20 President Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng. "It is vitally important that we advocate for the well-being of the people who occupy our buildings. Through the collaborative efforts and resources of IEA-GA member organizations, we will continue to provide safe buildings for generations to come."
The creation of the IEQ-GA was the result of a presidential initiative by Bill Bahnfleth, 2013-14 ASHRAE Presidential Member and current IEQ-GA Vice President, based on the report of an ad hoc presidential committee chaired by Bjarne Olesen, 2017-18 ASHRAE Presidential Member and current ASHRAE IEQ-GA Alternate Director. The committee was tasked with exploring ways industry groups could work together to address all aspects of indoor environmental quality and health.
"An important attribute of IEQ-GA is that it is a non-industrial alliance between societies representing members who promote IEQ," Olesen said. "IEQ-GA's intention is to work with all partners in the value chain for indoor environmental quality, including building research, comfort and health research, building design, installation, commissioning, operation and occupant behaviour. In addition, IEQ-GA will work with industry organizations to help its members provide products and services that promote IEQ."
The IEQ-GA is looking for new members from all sectors and disciplines involved to join forces. Sectors include architects, engineers, environmental professionals, industrial/occupational hygienists, and specialists in the health section, among others.
To learn more about IEQ-GA, visit