Mexico. This September 25 and 26 will be held in Mexico City the Energy Efficiency Symposium which will take place at the Marquis Reforma Hotel.
This event is a forum that aims to promote training, exchange of experiences and networking with representatives of the Commercial Chains Associated with the ANTAD (National Association of Self-Service and Departmental Stores) through conferences and work tables given by national and international experts in refrigeration, lighting, air conditioning, renewable energies and energy markets.
The following are the central themes to be discussed at the symposium:
- Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs
- Trends and Technology In:
- Cooling, Lighting, A/C.
- Renewable Energies
- Water resources
- Organizational Structure for Energy Management in Retail
- Sustainable Construction
- Network Code
The event is aimed at Directors and Managers, Areas of Energy, Maintenance, Technology, Finance and Sustainability of the chains associated with ANTAD, Maintenance and Operation Personnel in stores, Representatives of the Retail Sector in Mexico, Specialists and Consultants, Representatives of the Government and the Energy and Environment Sector.
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