Brazil. From September 10 to 13, the 21st version of the Febrava International Fair will be held at the Sao Paulo Expo. ACR Latin America will be touring the fair and visiting the most outstanding companies in the sector.
Febrava brings together the entire HVAC/R chain in order to boost the economy of the sector by encouraging business, promoting technical content and demonstrations of trends and technology.
Know the profile of the visitor-buyer that you will find at the event:
- 65% Engineer, installer, technician and designer
- 26% Retailer, wholesaler or distributor
- 9% Final consumer (supermarkets, refrigerator, hospital, shopping center, among others)
High qualification of visitors
- 61% have final decision-making power
- 39% have budgets over 100 thousand to invest during the event.
The sectors present at the event are the following:
- Residential, central and automotive air conditioning
- Industrial, commercial, residential and transport refrigeration
- Air Treatment
- Electric, gas and solar heating
- Industrial and residential ventilation
- Water Treatment
- Tools and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
• In Brazil, the sector's equipment sales projection in 2019 is R$29.7 billion; the country has national legislation for the periodic maintenance of air conditioning and refrigeration systems in public and private buildings; and is the sixth largest producer of HVAC/R parts in the world.