Colombia. The Colombian Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration – ACAIRE, will hold the XVIII ExpoAcaire focused on offering innovative, efficient and sustainable engineering solutions, in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
ExpoAcaire will be held this year in Barranquilla, from August 28 to 30 at the Puerta de Oro Convention Center. Within the framework of Expoacaire, the V International Congress of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration will also be held in order to show what is at the forefront of the world market. Specialized talks, product exhibitions and new technologies will be held in everything related to refrigeration systems, air conditioning and ventilation.
ExpoAcaire was born in 2001 as a response to the need to access new technologies and services of the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration industry and is developed annually as a union event achieving a presence in the specialized fairs of the International Industrial Fair of Bogotá and in other regions of Colombia.
This year ExpoAcaire will feature guest experts from Colombia and other countries, including as speakers, ASHRAE President-elect Darryl Boyce - Mechanical Engineer at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Associate Director in Facilities engineering and Construction and ASHRAE member since 1983. This important meeting will feature the presentation of the international director IIAR Yesenia Rector - Magister of the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Public Health and Environmental Safety, recently completed the RETA CARO certification program. He worked at Americold, one of the industry's largest cold storage companies in the U.S.
Around 70 exhibitors will attend and approximately 1500 visitors are expected. Topics related to air quality, environmental aspects, good engineering practices, new knowledge, regulations, technologies and trends that will be implemented will be addressed. These events will guarantee excellent business opportunities for the different companies in the sector and the possibility of transmitting an image of responsibility with the environment and commitment to the quality of life.
During the Congress, the 2nd Ibero-American Forum on Indoor Air Quality will also be held, in which the strategies for the promotion of indoor air quality in the region will be presented. In addition to this, the 2nd National Cold Chain Conference will also be held in which the Integration of knowledge in cold chain logistics will be put into operation and growth opportunities, access to new technologies and actions for the future will be contemplated.
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