International. Bosch Termotecnia offered a series of keys to correctly choose a condensing boiler.
Obtaining maximum efficiency, the best performance and considerable economic savings are some of the main factors when choosing a condensing boiler. The company says that if you add to this a reduction in pollutant emissions and the possibility of monitoring and controlling their effectiveness, the benefits are evident.
As a result of the experience acquired, Bosch Termotecnia extracts the main factors to take into account when choosing your condensing boiler:
• Compact design, small dimensions and hydraulic robustness.
• Possibility of integration of control systems and performance monitoring.
• Absence of need in minimum circulation flow.
• Removable heat blocks for easy installation and maintenance.
• Support thermal jumps up to 50K.
• Possibility of cascade assembly, without the need to require large spaces.
• Flexible accessibility and maintenance.
Bosch Termotecnia is present at the Climatización & Refrigeración fair in Madrid (February 26 to 1 March).