Brazil. The president of the Abrava Association of Brazil, Arnaldo Basile, wrote a letter in which he commemorated one year of the approval of Federal Law 13.589 / 18 of the PMOC - Maintenance, Operation and Control Plan, which obliges the maintenance of air conditioning systems in buildings of buildings for public and collective use, which occurred on January 4, 2018.
"As a result of a work begun more than 16 years ago, initiated and coordinated by ABRAVA, and later supported by the member entities of the National Committee on Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, the approval of the Law has become a framework for the air conditioning sector and for society. From the beginning of the drafting of PL - Bill 7260, ABRAVA - Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating, accompanied its evolution, being invited even by the Rapporteurship to review the text in 2011", says Arnaldo Basile.
The leader of the union added that since its sanction, the balance is positive, as the sector and society are seeking to adapt to the needs of attention and observance of the regulatory and quality parameters regulated by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) and by the National Health Surveillance Agency (VISA).
More than 3,500 professionals and clients from the sector went through courses and seminars held by ABRAVA and its Regionals in various capitals of Brazil. Hundreds of other professionals and clients also participated in talks and presentations made by the Associations and Unions that are members of the National Committee on Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (CNCR).
The effects of the Law were also felt in the field of those who regulate and supervise. Bodies such as CONFEA, CREA's, ANVISA, COVISA, among others, celebrated alliances with ABRAVA for the realization of training and dissemination. The agreements were renewed and some new ones were made, all with the aim of enforcing what Law 13,589 mandates.
The objective of the Law is to enforce Good Engineering Practices to guarantee the occupational health of users, through the best indoor air quality. Another factor of great importance related positively, refers to the energy saving and energy efficiency of air conditioning systems and equipment, thanks to the mandatory maintenance and proper operation carried out by duly qualified professionals.