Colombia. The Ministry of Mines and Energy has been carrying out a series of public participation activities for trade associations, academia, production companies, marketers, professionals and the general public, to present comments and contributions to the construction of the Regulatory Impact Analysis – AIN, corresponding to the development of the preliminary draft of the Technical Regulation of Thermal Systems and Installations -RETSIT.
The Ministry explained that this project aims to give a better response to the initiatives associated with the draft Regulations of Thermal Installations - RITE, Technical Regulation of Boilers - RTC, as well as the promotion of Thermal Districts, with the help of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Labor.
The Ministry also clarified that for the consolidation of this Regulation "they will be considered as basic and relevant aspects for the regulation, mainly safety, energy performance, environmental protection and the assurance of the requirements of the services of the system or installation. In the same sense, the phases of design, construction, operation, maintenance, use and inspection will be observed, as well as the surveillance and control of thermal systems and installations, intended for services such as ventilation and air conditioning, domestic hot water - DHW, for human uses, refrigeration and steam production for commercial and industrial processes".
Additionally, in order to analyze the regulatory impact, the Ministry held a Cycle of Workshops between October and November 2018 "Construction of the Technical Regulation of Thermal Systems and Installations in Colombia". The participants to the workshops, in addition to contributing to the construction of the Normative Impact Analysis, worked on parallel activities that complemented the topics discussed.
"The cooperation between the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development through the Ozone Technical Unit and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland – SECO, has made it possible to obtain the support of consultancy in the technical fields, legal and communication for the development of the Technical Regulation of Thermal Systems and Installations in Colombia," says the government entity.
The results of perception on the dynamics of the market can be observed by clicking here.
Source: Ministry of Mines and Energy.