International. A recent report by the International Energy Agency (EIA) revealed how they obtained tests from 18 different companies in 10 Chinese provinces, confirming their use of CFC-11.
In May 2018, scientists revealed that atmospheric levels of CFC-11 – banned under the Montreal Protocol since 2010 – were significantly higher than expected, leading them to conclude that illegal production and use of CFC-11 was occurring in East Asia.
The information obtained by the Agency conclusively demonstrates that the use of CFC-11 in China's rigid polyurethane foam insulation sector, particularly in the construction subsector, is widespread and widespread.
CFC-11 is used as a foaming agent for the manufacture of molded foam panels and spray foam used for insulation purposes.
Climate campaign leader Clare Perry said: "This is an environmental crime on a massive scale. How the Montreal Protocol addresses this issue will determine whether it continues to merit its reputation as the world's most effective environmental treaty."
The Agency urges the Government of China and the Parties to the Montreal Protocol to recognize the enormous scale of this environmental crime and take immediate steps to further investigate, implement legislative reforms, and ensure effective intelligence-driven enforcement.