International. Danfoss announced that the Danfoss Eco smart radiator thermostat was recognized for innovation by a select jury with the Danish design award in the People's Choice category during the Danish Design Award Show in Copenhagen.
Denmark has a strong tradition and is proud of its sharp designs, every year, new and innovative solutions are rewarded at this distinguished event. The awards were presented at Industriens Hus in Copenhagen. "I am honoured and proud that Danfoss Eco has been recognised with a Danish Design Award"; Commented Torben Pedersen, president of the residential heating area of Danfoss, who said, "It is essential for our customers and markets that we can offer a new and attractive design with an affordable price, Danfoss Eco has it all: beauty, connectivity and usability."
Danfoss Eco is relevant to millions of consumers. The jury, which this year expanded to include international members from Singapore, China and the US, explained its decision to declare Danfoss Eco the winner by stating that "it is a simple but highly effective product for its radiator thermostat that can provide energy savings in private residences."
The Bluetooth app on the thermostat makes the heat settings in different rooms easy to adjust. The fact that it is an electronic thermostat keeps the energy consumption in the home under control, in itself, is nothing new; however, compared to most expensive and unfriendly solutions if it is. "Danfoss Eco is the first to develop such solutions for the average consumer and not for technology enthusiasts or other early adopters. This makes the product relevant to a market of millions of private users who want a more energy-efficient heating solution."