Mexico. The ASHRAE Mexico City Chapter invites all its members to participate, review and comment on the new draft Mexican standard: PROY-NMX-C-7730-ONNCCE-2017, Construction industry – Ergonomics of the technical environment – Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort by calculating the VME and PPD indices and the criteria of local thermal comfort.
This draft Mexican Standard presents methods for the forecast of the general thermal sensation and the degree of discomfort (thermal dissatisfaction) of people exposed to moderate thermal environments. Facilitates the analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort by calculating the VME (Estimated Average Vote) and PEI (Estimated Percentage of Dissatisfied) indices and the local thermal comfort criteria, indicating the environmental conditions that are considered acceptable for overall thermal comfort, as well as those that give rise to local discomfort.
It is applicable to healthy men and women, exposed to indoor environments in which thermal comfort is desirable, but where moderate deviations from this thermal comfort take place, being indicated for the design of new environments or for the evaluation of existing ones. When considering persons with special needs, such as those with certain physical disabilities, their employment is foreseen taking into account what is indicated in the Technical Specification ISO/TS 14415:2005, 4.2.
It is also necessary to take into account ethnic, national or geographical differences when dealing with unconditioned spaces.
Those interested in submitting their comments can write to the email: [email protected]
The presentation of the standard can be downloaded at the following link: