Chile. On March 30, 2018, the protocol for analysis and/or safety tests of electrical products will enter into force, PE protocol N°1/29:2016, dated 15.11.2016, approved by RE N° 16329 dated November 28, 2016, issued by the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels (SEC), for the category of household appliances, whose products are Mobile Air Conditioners and Mobile Environment Dehumidifiers.
The Ministry of Economy established that this class of products must have a Certificate of Approval granted by a certification body authorized by this superintendence, for marketing in the country.
The Superintendence is responsible for establishing the tests and trials indicated in the protocols that must be carried out by laboratories or entities or entities of safety and quality control to grant certificates of approval to products. The national manufacturers, importers and marketers of the product, must have the respective certificate of approval.
The scope is for single-phase power appliances and that incorporate motor-compressors for their operation.