Brazil. The President of the Republic, Michel Temer, sanctioned the law that requires the execution of a Maintenance, Operation and Control Plan (PMOC) of air conditioning systems and appliances in buildings for public and collective use with the aim of eliminating or minimizing potential risks to the health of the occupants, a decision in which the population will benefit.
The air conditioning systems and the respective maintenance plans provided for in the law must obey quality parameters regulated by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) and the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).
"The owners, tenants and budget holders responsible for air conditioning systems already installed are provided with the period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, counting from the regulation of this law, for the fulfillment of all their devices," the text cites.
In the case of owners and users of real estate, the importance of being aware that good planned maintenance brings benefits for their ventures, with reductions in costs with planned maintenance, replacement of obsolete equipment at the right time, reduction of the risks of fires and personal accidents, possibility of reductions in insurance costs, reduction of costs with energy, and fundamentally, better quality of life.
Eduardo Hugo Müller, president of Asbrav - South Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation, commemorates the publication of the Law, whose project was processed for more than 15 years. "This important news for the sector is the result of the strong performance of the National Committee for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, of which Asbrav is a part, and which aims to manage joint actions of the entities of the sector."
"We are very satisfied with the approval of the project. It is a struggle of every sector in the country and society is benefiting from it, because it forces buildings and public properties to maintain preventive maintenance for the air conditioning systems of these premises for collective use. The new law also applies to air-conditioned environments of restricted use, such as those of production processes, laboratories, hospitals and others, which must obey specific regulations, "says Müller.