Argentina. A notable reduction in costs, among other changes, will have the renewable energy sector in Argentina for the coming years, as reported by the Undersecretary of Renewable Energies, Sebastián Kind, and the president of the Association of Electric Power Distributors of the Argentine Republic (Adeera), Horacio Nadra.
Both leaders pointed out that in addition to the lowering of costs, challenges will come from regulatory modifications and the introduction of new technologies.
Kind explained in a seminar called "Planning for the Insertion of Smart Grids in Argentina", that renewable energy projects will bring with them a significant "reduction in the cost structure, in addition to diversification in the generating matrix". "In solar energy, more than in wind, the price drop of photovoltaic modules was 90% in a few years and today they reach a level until recently unthinkable, of 30 cents per watt of power, "- commented.
The director of Adeera and the Electricity Distribution Company of Tucumán (EDET), for his part, admitted that the role of the activity "will be modified" and considered that "the system requires a set-up and important investments, based on standardization, the implementation of regulatory frameworks and the comprehensive tariff review, that recognizes the true costs of the service."
Source: Télam.