Colombia. The Intersectoral Commission on Climate Change (CICC), the ministerial body in charge of national climate change policies, agreed at its fourth session to approve the package of measures and strategic lines that each Ministry will adopt to reduce the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and its consequences on global warming.
This is how Colombia seeks to advance in the commitments acquired in its Nationally Determined Contribution within the framework of the Paris Agreement, as reported in an official statement by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
"With this, the country already has agreed implementation priorities so that the different sectors contribute to putting the country on a low-carbon economy, which allows us to move towards the goal of reducing emissions by 2030, to which the country has committed, including international support," said Mariana Rojas, director of Climate Change at the Ministry.
There are 43 prioritized measures in the mining, energy, hydrocarbons, transport, industry, waste, agriculture and environment sectors. Some of them are greater participation of renewable energies for energy generation, use of methane gas in mines and oil operations, replacement of taxi fleet by electric vehicles in large cities, good energy efficiency practices and logistics optimization in the industry, increased recycling and composting, conversion of livestock to silvopastoral systems, improvement of pastures and manure management, commercial forest plantations, increase of permanent crops of cocoa, palm, rubber and fruit trees, among many others.
For its part, the Ministry of Environment, "will lead efforts of the environmental sector in: restoration of degraded ecosystems, replacement of stoves by efficient wood stoves in rural areas, replacement of refrigerators used by refrigerators of greater efficiency, as well as projects of districts of distribution of heat or cold for large cities. These last two measures reduce emissions of HFCs, which despite not being ozone-depleting substances, are regulated by the Montreal Protocol, which is mainly responsible for these substances," Rojas explained.
It was also agreed that about one third of the country's mitigation goal will have to be met with reductions for emissions from deforestation, for which work is being done in an intersectoral manner. As a whole, the measures proposed by the sectors, plus the deforestation reduction component, will allow the country to reach 22.8% reduction in emissions by 2030.