International. Before It's Afternoon is a National Geographic documentary presented by renowned American actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who explores the issue of climate change, and discovers what needs to be done today to prevent the catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.
Directed by Fisher Stevens, the one-hour, 35-minute documentary captures a three-year personal journey of the actor as he interviews individuals from all facets of society in both developed and developing countries who offer unique opinions. passionate and pragmatic about what needs to be done today and in the future to prevent the catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.
"Fisher and I agreed to make a documentary that not only educates people about the challenges we face if we fail with actions, but one that also shows the solutions we can implement if we find the political will to do so. We need leaders, not just in the United States, but around the world, who believe in the science of climate change and who have the courage to take a stand for our planet. Bringing this documentary to universities is a key component in engaging young voters in electing our leaders," DiCaprio said.
Below you can watch the documentary: