International. Several proposed changes to the standard dealing with energy performance in rating programs are open for public comment.
ASHRAE Standard 214P, Standard for Determining and Expressing the Energy Performance of Buildings in a Qualification Program, will provide a standardized approach to determining and expressing energy performance in a rating program and will standardize the content of a labeling associated with the energy component of a grading program will also set the minimum requirements for documenting the grading program.
The proposed standard is open for public comment from August 5 to September 19, 2016. To learn more or get feedback, visit
There are many entities on the market that rank buildings that use a number of different building classification systems that produce variable results, according to Wayne Stoppelmoor, chairman of the 214P standard commission. The proposed standard is meeting a need for uniformity in the process of energy labeling of buildings and dissemination.
The rule was subjected to a public review in August, resulting in 40 comments. One of the changes made as a result of that public review was the revision of the title, purpose and scope to better reflect the actual content of the standard. The change inserts a section that restricts the standard to apply only to the energy component of a rating program. The title, purpose and scope were also revised to indicate that the standard can be used with one or more energy performance metrics.
Other important changes to the proposed standard include:
- Review to allow the rating program to define its sampling frequency methodology
- Addition of the two means for an advisor to demonstrate competence
- Adding a section with a Code of Conduct