International. Timothy G. Wentz, P.E., ASHRAE Fellow, HBDP, associate professor at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, is the new ashrae president for the 2016-2017 term. The association swore in its new officers and directors at its Annual Meeting held June 25-29.
As president of ASHRAE, Wentz leads the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. Its motto: Adapt Today to Shape Tomorrow, is based on the goal of the strategic plan adopted by the Society. Wentz relates this goal to his personal history of swapping his slide rule in his early days in college for a handheld calculator and now a computer or smartphone, as examples of the challenges and opportunities inherent in embracing new technologies.
"All of us have had to face the challenge of adaptation face to face," he said. "It is in the power of adaptation that life, organizations and communities are transformed. Our ability to shape the future stems from our desire to adapt to today. Together, we can create our future by adapting our resources, investments and technology to form a more sustainable world."
Wentz succeeds David Underwood.