International. As of the first of May, the Free Trade Agreement of the Pacific Alliance (PA) will be put into operation, whose member countries are Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Peru.
"The objective is to stimulate the expansion of the economies that are part of this bloc and the diversification of trade in goods and services, in this expanded market," said Magali Silva, of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) of Peru.
Silva said that the PA seeks to promote small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from all its chapters, in particular the Chapter on Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation that includes the main multilateral commitments, such as Advance Rulings, The Clearance of Goods, Authorized Economic Operator and Single Window.
Currently, due to the expectation that the PA has generated, there are already 42 Observer States. Likewise, it has been linked to different forums or integration schemes, such as: ANSEA, APEC, European Union and Mercosur and has the support of international organizations such as: the IDB, CAF, OECD and ECLAC.