United States. More than 2.5 million Americans work in the clean energy sector in all 50 states, according to a new analysis released by the national nonpartisan business group Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2).
According to the results, energy efficiency is by far the largest employer in the nation's clean energy sector, with about 1.9 million Americans working in areas such as high-efficiency HVAC services and Energy Star appliance manufacturing to reduce energy waste in homes. schools and companies.
About 414,000 people work in renewable energy, according to the study. The main renewable sectors were solar, with 299,000 workers (including nearly 209,000 people working in solar energy full-time or near-full-time) and wind, with 77,000 workers.
"Clean energy is no longer a niche business — it's a big source of employment," said Dan Smolen, CEO of Green Suites, a Virginia-based talent acquisition and professional development firm. "Our legislators need to realize that — and put policies in place, right now, to help the sector grow even more."