International. Emerson Climate Technologies announced that it has reached 100,000 downloads of its Emerson Climate Technologies Check & Charge mobile app. The app provides an on-site refrigerant charge calculator for air conditioning applications. It allows contractors to easily and correctly calculate the system refrigerant charge for the R-22 or R-410A.
To use the application, contractors choose between subcooling, overheating or airflow and entering the specified system temperatures, along with latent sensitive environmental loads. These settings determine the appropriate system load and whether the amount of load needs to be modified based on these conditions.
The app, created in 2012, had already earned an honorable mention in the 2014 awards of the AHR Expo in Chicago and a recognition as one of the ten best applications for expert businesses, granted by IT Business Canada.
"The app was designed to allow contractors to get their work done faster. It's a great tool for busy contractors, and it's a good replacement for old calculators, so having reached 100,000 downloads shows us that everything I expected is being done," said Karl Zellmer, Emerson's vice president of sales at its air conditioning business.