United States. Ashrae announced the location of new officers and directors for the 2014-15 term, following its annual meeting held in Seattle from June 28 to July 2.
The new president is Thomas H. Phoenix, PE, Ashrae Fellow, Ashrae Certificate in Building Energy Assessment; He is also a director and vice president of Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates. Its presidential motto is People, Passion, Performance.
Phoenix said, "People, passion and performance are three things that come to mind when I think of Ashrae. Thanks to our 53,000 members worldwide, Ashrae is building a network of best practices in innovative people and successful technologies to serve the built environment community. Our members also have great passion – I have seen our people giving our people an amount of time and dedication to help draft standards, develop research, guide on policies and procedures, etc. Together, our people, adding their passion to it, ensures performance."