International. Ashrae announced the release of the 2013 edition of the 62.1 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standard, which replaces the 2010 edition.
According to the analysis of engineer Pedro Vásquez, president of Apayre, "the new version increases clarity and adds flexibility to the standard, by allowing designers and building operators to meet the requirements of the standard and provide an adequate flow of ventilation air to the occupants, while reducing excess ventilation and its associated energy consumption."
Vásquez added that "among the points to be highlighted are the modification of the ventilation rats and the types of spaces in Table 6-1, the modification of the requirements of the air entering the humid cooling coils and the classification of the level of pressurization of buildings and the addition of a definition of ex-filtration."
Roger Hedrick, chair of the 62.1 standard committee, said: "These changes will enable building designers and operators to meet the requirements of the standard and provide adequate ventilation airflow for occupants, while reducing excess ventilation and associated energy consumption."
The cost of the Ansi/Ashrae 62.1-2013 standard "Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality" is US$79 (US$67 for Ashrae members). Those who wish to obtain the document can contact the global phone 404-636-8400 or visit