Venezuela. The year 2013 has meant for the South American country a reduction of between 20 and 30% in the market of refrigerators and freezers for residences and small businesses.
In information provided by the National Association of Manufacturers and Distributors of Household Appliances (Anafade) and published by this year's figures do not reach the sales achieved in 2012 of 600,000 products of this type.
In statements delivered by the executive director of Anafade, Carlos Masiá, the moment that the industry is going through is due to the shortage of foreign currency so that manufacturers and distributors can import materials and finished products.
Likewise, there is also a decrease in the inventories of refrigerant gases, as indicated in statements to the local newspaper, Juan Pablo Olalquiaga, president of the Venezuelan Association of the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (Asoquim).