Brazil. Full Gauge Controls told us that it will have some surprises during its participation in the 18th edition of the Febrava fair. In addition to presenting its line of digital instruments for refrigeration and air conditioning, the company takes this special opportunity to present, for the first time, three novelties.
One of them is the presentation of the new Sitrad platform, the management software via the Internet: Sitrad 5.0. According to the director of Full Gauge Controls, Antonio Gobbi, this will completely change the concept of remote installation control. Another novelty announced is the presentation of the new solar heating line.
Similarly, during Febrava the company will launch the new generation of Full Gauge Controls controllers, the Evolution line.
"What we can anticipate about the new generation of our controllers is that their robustness is such that they exceed the very demanding tests carried out by INPE – National Institute of Space Research for the class of industrial equipment. And we reached the level of rigor required for the class of electro-medical equipment," reports Gobbi.
This will be the company's twelfth participation in the Brazilian fair and will be located at stand C41.