Argentina. The American Congress of Technologies in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Cataar 2013) confirmed within its group of speakers three recognized international experts in the industry for the event to be held on September 5 and 6 in Buenos Aires.
The event organized by the Argentine Cold Association (AAF) will be attended by Dr. William Bahnfleth, President of ASHRAE, who will offer the conference "Integrating Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency in Buildings". Engineer Roberto Aguiló (pictured), president of AAF, will present the talk "Characteristics of Refrigeration Design in Different Industrial Plants", and engineer Ross Montgomery, distinguished speaker of ASHRAE will bring the presentation called "Technical Principles for building commissioning".
This meeting, which will be held at the Sheraton Libertador Hotel, will also feature a commercial exhibition in which a group of companies related to the sector will be part.
For more information you can write an email to [email protected] or enter the event site by clicking here.