Panama. The president of the Panamanian Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Apayre), Pedro Vásquez, invited entrepreneurs and promoters to train in industry issues and thus avoid suffering deception by oversized offers, due to the massive arrival in that country of companies that seek to promote their products.
Vásquez recognizes that the economic and infrastructure development of Panama has attracted the attention of new competitors: "It is remarkable the logical arrival of sellers of new products or processes in the area of air conditioning and refrigeration, who take advantage of the scarce knowledge on the subject of entrepreneurs and promoters, as well as the growing cost of electricity, offer innovative solutions to future customers."
Although he recognizes important advances in the industry, the leader assures that the issue of energy saving is the attraction to sell products: "The lure they use is to be able to reduce electricity consumption with their equipment or systems of very high energy efficiency, a small time of return on investment and other economic advantages, without counting in most cases with a solid technical support of what is offered".
The recommendation then made by the president of Apayre is to invite its members to advise all entrepreneurs and promoters and train them or give them advice to make a correct decision when choosing the most appropriate product.
"Review the specialized magazines that promote new methods and products, research and visit facilities made in our country and remember a basic rule of sale: if the product is good it sells itself," Vásquez concluded.