The energy obtained by biomass seems to be acquiring more and more importance in the world, in Spain for example, with the inauguration at the beginning of the year of the experimental solar thermal plant of Aora Solar in PSA (Plataforma Solar de Almería) a further step was taken for the development of this type of hybrid facilities.
On the other hand, countries such as Germany, Israel, Thailand and Brazil already have similar advances in which solar energy and energy from renewable sources such as biomass or biogas are combined and thus guarantee the production of energy 24 hours a day.
One of the companies that has been a pioneer and promoter of this type of technology is Solarlite, who have built several hybrid solar thermal-biomass plants in the world; More than a year ago it joined forces with Sialsol to promote the Tresert project, which shows how this innovative technology can provide decentralized supply of electricity, heating and cooling in areas of Southeast Asia.
Most of these types of plants are still in the experimental phase, so they need subsidies and public aid; Even so, Solarlite, for example, has since 2007 a plant in Woltow (Germany), with a field of parabolic trough collectors of 25 hybridized meters.
Similarly, SkyFuel, another important company in the sector, talks about a 50 MW hybrid plant in Coremas, northeast Brazil, in partnership with the company Braxenergy, which develops biogas, biomass and hydropower projects.