International. A study conducted by IBM stated that there is a high level of confusion and ignorance on the part of end users regarding the tools used to control energy consumption.
According to the research, conducted on more than 10,000 people in 15 different countries, consumers do not have a practical understanding of basic concepts such as the price of energy or the use of smart grids.
In fact, 30% of respondents had never heard the term kilowatt-hour and 60% did not know the function of smart grids.
In addition to the above, it was concluded that those consumers with more knowledge had a greater tendency to use and support energy saving initiatives. Ibm said the survey revealed the need to educate consumers with terms they can understand.
In the case of Latin America, the study included 451 interviews in Brazil in which it was found that 67% had never heard the term smart grid. Even so, 76% of the interviewees indicated that they would like to receive information about their energy consumption to control and regulate it.
Similarly, 568 people were interviewed in Chile within the framework of the study, of which 67% said that they disconnect electrical appliances when they are not in use to save energy and 60% use low consumption lights. On the topic of smart grids and other terms related to the topic of energy saving, only 30% of respondents claimed to understand them.