Colombia. The Assembly of the Colombian Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Acaire) recently appointed as Honorary Member the engineer Fabio Clavijo, president of the company Tecnaire.
Engineer Clavijo was very pleased with the appointment: "I actually interpret it as an act of generosity of spirit of the Board of Directors, as well as renews my commitment to continue supporting the initiatives of the sector from Colombia, to improve our engineering and development management in the issues that commit us to the region and the world."
Fabio Clavijo is an Industrial Engineer from the Javeriana University of Colombia, has specializations in Humidity Control and Integral Management for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy in Organizations.
Since 1977, with Tecnaire he has focused his professional management towards the deepening and application in the engineering of UREE, Environmental Management, Air Conditioning and Air Treatment in projects of high technological demand applied to buildings, hotels, clinics, airports, shopping centers, as well as in pharmaceutical, food, textile, foundry and cement industries, among others.
I have participated as a contractor, advisor and consultant from Tecnaire Ltda in national and international projects in Ecuador, Chile and several Central American countries.
On behalf of the entire ACR LATINOAMÉRICA team, we congratulate the engineer for this well-deserved recognition.