By: Americ
The quality of specialized labor services is a guiding principle of the HVAC&R market and in the face of the challenges of growing competition, guaranteeing that quality is an increasingly urgent requirement for installation entrepreneurs, today the national certification of technicians in air conditioning and commercial refrigeration is a reality. The Mexican Association of Companies in the Field of Construction Facilities (Americ) and a group of related institutions that represent the industry in different sectors, have worked in the search for adequate mechanisms to train and offer a document with official national validity supported by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) and the National Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competencies (CONOCER), to check the skills and abilities of technicians in this area.
Published in the Official Gazette of the Federation in February of this year, the Technical Standard of Labor Competence NUSIM006-01 is the guideline to follow that will allow such standardization and that will gradually provide the national and international market with qualified labor.
Giving continuity to the scheme of "good practices" implemented and taught by SEMARNAT, the application and use of this certification in addition to generating benefits to the technician as a person, to the contractor and to the industry in general (end user), is transmitted in actions for the care of the environment such as the improvement of air quality, the reduction of damage caused to the ozone layer as a result of the release of refrigerant gases and, consequently, the reduction of global warming and climate impact.
Benefits for the technician:
- Contributes to improving their quality of life
- Generates more time spent in your work
- Increases the level of competitiveness
- Power capacities
- Allows access to new opportunities
Benefits for the contractor:
- Generate profitability by reducing costs derived from material waste and execution time
- Generate options to enter new market niches
- Improves levels of job satisfaction and organizational climate
- Allows to meet the requirements of international customers
Benefits for the industry:
- Hiring the services of a certificate is of the utmost importance to ensure that you have the skills and specialized knowledge that your projects require, and that only years of experience and training can provide you, in addition to protecting the health and safety in your organization, society in general and the environment.
- Improves the quality of the service received
- Provides security, certainty and guarantees
- Saving time and continuity in processes
Considering the need for companies to adopt new forms of work organization and the management of their human resources, the AMERIC Evaluation Center, accredited by ANCE, makes available to the productive sector three options to evaluate and certify the work performance of technicians based on the NTCL NUSIM006-01, tools that have been specially designed to fit the degree of experience and skills of the technician.
a) Prodedeutic course (alignment to the standard, 25 hrs.)
b) Professionalization program (144 hrs.)
(c)Assessment and certification
There is no doubt that being a certified technician in commercial air conditioning and refrigeration systems will keep you at the forefront of green engineering and sustainable trends in building, while allowing you to access new life and career opportunities.