Remember what you did ten years ago? How many times have you wondered what changes our industry has had in the last decade? How important it is sometimes to do this kind of exercise. Going back in time is, sometimes, valuable to know where the future takes us, not to make the mistakes of before and to improve the past successes.
Unlike ten years ago we can say that today we find a much more mature industry and in constant process of renewal. Now, manufacturers are looking to create much more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions, and the consumer gradually understands those changes and assimilates them.
The initial questions of this editorial are connected with a fact that cannot be ignored, and that is that in this edition of ACR LATINOAMÉRICA we will make a special mention to the tenth birthday of the Congress and Commercial Exhibition REFRIAMÉRICAS, the most important space of the refrigeration sector in the Andean region.
In 2003 he started a project that sought to unite the guild and provide knowledge and training to professionals. Today that objective does not change and after a decade of intense work, REFRIAMÉRICAS continues its endless process of improving the academic content aimed at attendees and the quality of the companies that exhibit in the commercial exhibition.
Different experts from the refrigeration sector, both local and international, have passed through REFRIAMÉRICAS. Countries such as the United States, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, Argentina, Belgium, among others, have recognized the work of this important congress and have contributed to great professionals so that they are the ones who share their knowledge with colleagues in the guild.
We hope to continue celebrating many more birthdays of REFRIAMÉRICAS and we know that we will count on you as faithful participants of a space that does everything possible to contribute to the learning of the industry and bring the latest technological innovations of the refrigeration industry.
In ten years we will ask ourselves again what the sector was up to, only by 2023 we hope to have a fully efficient industry and professionals who have extensive training and specialization.