But for those who have not yet seen in this trend more than recommendations for end users, we invite you to look a little further and realize that this scenario poses a lot of opportunities for companies / people who have the knowledge required to be advisors in processes of good environmental practices.
The world today is at several interesting junctures. In the United States, for example, one of the biggest concerns today focuses on efficiency in water management, given that it is a scarce resource, that it is increasing in prices and that certain regulations are leading companies to question the impact of buildings on the environment.
The issue does not end here. Energy is a resource in crisis, because let us not forget that much of the world's energy is produced from oil, which is a non-renewable resource. The current economic situation suggests that for many countries that depend on hydrocarbons the coming winter will be quite hard, because the resources are there, but it is not certain that there is enough money to buy it in the required quantities.
Now, we might think that Latin America is out of this problem, but the truth is far from this optimistic approach. On the energy side, in many editions of AC/R we have already discussed this aspect and we already know that not all nations in the region would be self-sufficient in energy matters, and that many of them have experienced mini-crises to meet their demand for this essential public service.
On the subject of water, the picture is no less gray. Although we have many rivers and water sources, the generation of hydroelectric power is restricted to a few places, so this cannot be made cheerful accounts, especially when in the region we have about 60 million people who do not have access to drinking water.
As you can see, there is a possible business there. I think it can be an interesting source of income for the next few years, but this goes through education. You have to be trained, because every day there are more companies interested in being certified under the international standard ISO 14000. Think.