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New ASHRAE President takes office

Nuevo Presidente de ASHRAE toma posesión de su cargo

International. M. Dennis Knight, PE, BEMP, a life member of ASHRAE, will serve as president of ASHRAE for the 2024-2025 term.

During his keynote address, Knight introduced the 2024-25 Society Year Theme: "Empowering Our Workforce: Building a Sustainable Future". The theme highlights the impact the industry is having on addressing climate change, sustainable development and indoor air quality, the emergence of new technologies for HVAC&R and construction.

"We have a perception problem," Knight said. "Part of it is that the message about our vision for a sustainable future, as well as our role in that work, needs to be clarified. We all want to participate in a career that we are passionate about and where we can find meaning and purpose. We need to highlight our industry in a way that celebrates the ideas and innovations that come when we embrace and foster greater diversity, equity, and inclusion."

In addition, Knight's chosen theme highlights how ASHRAE will play a critical role in ensuring that the workforce remains adaptable and forward-thinking.

- Publicidad -

"Today, rapidly changing technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are transforming the construction science industry and presenting numerous career opportunities. By strategically harnessing the power of technology along with the power of human creativity, both seasoned professionals and new talent can collaborate to drive progress across our industry. Every member of ASHRAE can be a messenger and an ambassador," the new President added.

Elected officials who will serve over the next year

  • President-elect: Bill McQuade, PE, LEED AP, AHRAE Member, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Baltimore Aircoil Company, Jessup, Maryland.
  • Treasurer: Sarah Maston, PE, BCxP, ASHRAE Member, Director, Colliers Hudson, Mass.

ASHRAE introduced its new Vice Presidents who will serve a 2-year term (2024 – 2025 and 2025 – 2026):

  • Vice President: Devin Abellon, PE, ASHRAE Member, Director of Engineering and Sales Solutions, Pac West, Portland, Oregon.
  • Vice President: Kenneth Fulk, PE, ASHRAE Member, President and CEO, RWB Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Texas.

In the same way, ASHRAE presented its new directors and regional presidents who will serve three-year terms between 2024 and 2027:

  • Region I Director and Regional President: Charles Bertuch, PE, LEED AP, AHRAE member, director of Energy Solutions for Bergmann Associates, Syracuse, New York.
  • Region II Director and Regional President: Genevieve Lussier, ASHRAE member
    Partner and Director, Eequinox, Quebec, Canada.
  • Region III Director and Regional President: Sherry Abbott-Adkins, PE, CPD, GDP, LEED AP, ASHRAE Member, President and Owner, A Squared Plus Engineering Group, LLC, Westminster, Maryland.
  • Director of Region XI and Regional President: Rob Craddock, Member ASHRAE Managing Director, Inland Metal Manufacturing, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Regional Director General and Regional President: Bassel Anbari, PE, Member Managing Partner of ASHRAE, InterCool, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

ASHRAE also introduced its new Chief Executive Officers (CEDs):

  • Carrie Brown, Ph.D., ASHRAE Fellow, Director, Resource Refocus, LLC., Oakland, California.
  • Patrick Marks, PE, ASHRAE Fellow, Director of Engineering Services, Johnson Controls Applied Equipment Business, New Freedom, PA.
  • David Yashar, Ph.D., ASHRAE Fellow, Deputy Chief of the Division of Energy and Building Environment, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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