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The organization of Expofrío Peru 2024 is progressing satisfactorily

Avanza satisfactoriamente la organización de Expofrío Perú 2024

Peru. Less than five months before the 15th edition of the Expofrío Peru Show & Congress, the organization of the event reports a positive balance of the preparations.

According to the organizers, the extraordinary results with which the 2023 edition of Expofrío Peru closed and which were expressed in the statements of the exhibitors who participated (see, augured a greater expectation for this year's edition. "This fact has been verified now that progress is being made in the organization of the event," they indicated.

They also reported that the commercial offer, expanded to more than double the number of stands compared to the previous edition, has been well received, so that almost 70% of the spaces are already covered: "Almost all the companies of the previous edition have reconfirmed their participation in the Expofrío fair: Air Magic, International Institute of Air Conditioning, Sodeca, Decaclima, Ligth, Polifusión, Kinsgpam, PrimeLines, Frioteam and Acsisac, among others."

Now, new brands are adding their presence, expanding the commercial offer that will be presented at the 15th Expofrío Peru Congress & Fair, increasing the opportunities to do business. Among them is Full Gauge, a global company present in 20 countries that manufactures digital controllers with various solutions to automate air conditioning and refrigeration processes.

- Publicidad -

It is also worth mentioning the presence of Repolen-Revoba, a European manufacturer and distributor of polypropylene pipes on the five continents, specialized for HVAC systems and with application in hospitals, hotels and the industrial sector.

From Latin America, the presence of Tecam, a Colombian company with more than 60 years of experience and with a growing presence in Central and South America, is expected. Tecam manufactures and distributes equipment that is true solutions in industrial and commercial air conditioning and ventilation.

Also Fracttal, a Spanish company that has been gaining position in the world, providing solutions with software and IoT devices, to control the management of equipment maintenance, especially HVACR.

Among the new entrants from Peru, AB Importaciones, one of the largest distributors of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment and components, stands out, as well as Systemair Peru, representative of the Swedish brand of the same name, with a global presence, and which is one of the market leaders in commercial and industrial ventilation equipment.

B2B Business in HVACR
"The extensive trade show with brands and suppliers of equipment, components and solutions for commercial and industrial air conditioning and ventilation, building automation and fire protection systems, will allow the fair to become a true business center of the HVAC industry," said the organizers.

Meanwhile, the Business Roundtable has been described as "an activity that complements this same purpose, to help bring together suppliers and demanders of the industry, allowing businesses to flow, companies to grow and form associations and the market to develop, to take full advantage and with quality, of the opportunities offered by the great potential that the Peruvian market contains".

Committee and Sponsorship
Expofrío has been adding support, highlighting, in the first place, the expansion of its committee with the incorporation of new personalities. The team, led by engineer Ernesto Sanguinetti, has had the incorporation of Diego Guerrero de Luna Villalobos, a personality already familiar in the field, especially for his status as director of the Peruvian School of Refrigeration, already recognized internationally. Engineer Sergio Flores, leader and promoter of the industry who currently holds the Presidency of PrimeLines LLC and other companies from Miami, also joined.

- Publicidad -

At the same time, the sponsorships of recognized institutions in the sector stand out, including the Chamber of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Companies of Colombia represented by Acaire; the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and the Technical Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ATEAAR) of Ecuador. In the same way, it has the sponsorship of the Electrical Mechanics Engineering Chapter, of the CDP-CIP, which will contribute in a substantive way by inviting its members.

In addition to the above, the news of the officialization of Expofrío 2024 through a resolution of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, which declared the event official, considering that it meets all the legal requirements to take place as an international level event, which at the same time means facilities for all those who want to attend, especially if they come from abroad.

Congress and parallel activities
As the event is also a professional update, the committee has been fine-tuning the programming of the Expofrío Congress, defining topics and inviting leading specialists to present papers that contribute to raising the information and knowledge of professionals in this sector, in the face of the challenges and opportunities that we must face in this industry.

Finally, the program of Conferences is being prepared for free admission for all visitors, with presentations that will contribute to the updating of technicians and professionals.

For more details and information:

Sign up for the fair for free:
WhatsApp +51 914 510 439.
E-mail: [email protected].

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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