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Sodeca organized a round table on ventilation solutions for fire safety

SODECA organizó mesa redonda sobre la seguridad en caso de incendio

International. Sodeca described its fire safety day as a resounding success, which registered an attendance of the public that exceeded the capacity limit, exceeding the expectations of the organizers.

The company reported that, given the high interest in the activity carried out in Barcelona, it plans to hold events repeating the format in other cities. The event brought together leading experts in the field of fire protection, who shared their knowledge and experiences in a round table.

The conference was attended by Sebastià Massagué, director of the Barcelona Fire Department; Robert Gómez, deputy inspector of the Fire Department of the Generalitat; Miriam Gorriz, technical director of the Fire Control Entity of the College of Technical Architecture of Barcelona and Mariano de Leonardo, expert in fire safety and protection and risk analysis, who is currently president of CLUSIC.

Also participating were Santiago Rovira, industrial engineer and former commander of the Fire Brigades of Barcelona, the Generalitat of Catalonia and Mallorca; Lluís Marín, Director of Business Development at Detnov; Santos Bendicho, coordinator CTN23 SC5/GT8 Smoke Control and director of Smoke Control Projects at Sodeca; as well as Oriol Raduà, PCI and Smoke Control engineer at Sodeca.

- Publicidad -

One of the most outstanding topics of the day was the lack of training and awareness of people in emergency situations and cases of fire, as Sebastià Massagué said: "The behaviour of people in cases of emergency is very important".

For her part, Miriam Gorriz stated that in this type of situation "we are all on the same team, the manufacturers, the firefighters, the installers", adding that "it is important to check that the installations are well done and in accordance with current regulations, they are tested and commissioning are carried out to check that they will work in case of emergency".

Santos Bendicho stressed the importance of being more demanding with inspections to offer more safety in fire situations. He insisted that people should know the facilities and the evacuation plan for their buildings. In addition, he stressed the need to inform society about the cost-benefit ratio of safety systems, the importance of awareness campaigns in global media, and warned about the dangers of smoke inhalation and not having smoke-free escape routes.

Lluis Marín stressed the importance of smoke detection provision, especially in homes, to reduce the growing number of victims in fires, since they allow the occupants of the burned floor to be quickly notified so that they can escape and also the rest of the users of the building who could be affected by the spread of smoke so that they can evacuate.

The day concluded with a catering and networking session, where attendees
were able to share their experiences and strengthen their professional relationships in a
relaxed atmosphere.

"With this event, Sodeca reaffirms its position as an international leader in the field of ventilation and fire protection, highlighting its dedication to the safety and protection of people. The company will continue to promote fire safety awareness and training, with the aim of creating safer environments for all," the company said.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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