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Schneider Electric Opens New Plant in Mexico

Schneider Electric abre nueva planta en México

Mexico. The company Schneider Electric will start up its tenth plant in the country, Monterrey 4, after having completed a 25-year history in Nuevo León.

The plant represents an investment of $29.4 million and will specialize in essential products for critical sectors in North America. The corresponding initiative and investment had been announced in February of this year.

Monterrey 4 will create 460 jobs and will be focused on the manufacture of specialized products, such as low-voltage electrical distribution boards, essential for hospitals, data centers, digital companies and organizations with high energy consumption.

"For 25 years, Nuevo León has been one of the most important states for Schneider Electric. Proof of this are the three plants we have installed and our Innovation Center, to which today we add a new plant that will be able to meet the needs of our customers and allies throughout the region," shared Jesús Carmona, area president of Schneider Electric. "We appreciate the presence of Iván Rivas, Secretary of Economy of the State, on behalf of the Government of Nuevo León, during this important inauguration. Without a doubt, they are a fundamental piece for this opening," he said.

- Publicidad -

Intellectual manufacturing in the region
The 183,000-square-foot plant will strengthen the company's production in Mexico and the United States with important innovations, as it will be an Engineer to Order (ETO) facility, which will allow products to be manufactured according to customers' specifications and engineering designs.

The operation for specific areas of the plant will be carried out by 100% local talent, consolidating the company's objectives to promote local people in the technological field.

"We are proud to strengthen our commitment to Mexico by inaugurating a plant that will implement state-of-the-art technology in each of its production processes with intelligent technology, applied by the talent of engineers from Nuevo León. This in order to consolidate Schneider Electric's path towards efficiency, the digitalization of the industry and environmental care, both inside and outside the organization," said Agustín López Díaz, Schneider Electric's Global Supply Chain leader for North America.

Sustainability and inclusion
Monterrey 4 is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and improving energy efficiency as part of its goal to achieve carbon neutrality in its global operations. Proof of this is the elimination of dependence on natural gas for the painting operation that, instead of using convection ovens, uses 100% electric ovens with 0% emissions derived from fossil fuels, increasing the safety and ergonomics of the process, eliminating the risk derived from the use of gas and reducing work carried out in confined spaces.

Similarly, the company implemented different components of the Schneider Electric brand, with the aim of having an automated system to monitor, measure and control water and energy consumption, improving energy management, reducing operating times and increasing competitiveness.

In terms of inclusion, the new plant stands out for being the company's factory with the highest percentage of female talent performing manual assembly in North America, with 70% of employees dedicated to this task.

"Let's remember that energy efficiency is key to reducing the impact of climate change on our planet, so actions in favor of caring for the environment are a priority on our agenda to limit the ravages of global warming," concluded the president of Schneider Electric.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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