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Venezuela's first refrigerant regeneration center inaugurated

Inauguran el primer centro de regeneración de refrigerantes de Venezuela

Venezuela. Within the framework of World Environment Day, through Fondoin and in alliance with the private company Indugas, the Francisco de Miranda Refrigerant Regeneration Center (CENARE) was inaugurated in the town of Paracotos, Miranda state.

According to Engineer Jimy Danelli, the project was financed and supported by UNIDO. This plant follows in the footsteps of the Kigali Amendment and the Montreal Protocol, while at the same time seeking the regeneration of Halogen Two refrigerants that are recovered by the refrigeration and air conditioning industry in Venezuela.

"On this occasion, the Caracas metro receives 450 kilos of regenerated refrigerant, which was extracted from an 800-ton equipment from the #3 refrigeration plant. This refrigerant will be reused in the trains of line 1 of the Caracas metro, applying the philosophy of circular economy and sustainable, environmentally friendly refrigeration," said Danelli.

The event was presided over by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce, and President of Fodoin, Indira Viñafaña; the director of Ozone of Fondoin, engineer Hazel Tovar; the president of Venacor, Alcides Cayama Rolando.

- Publicidad -

Also present were representatives of the Caracas Metro company and the Technical Schools of Caracas and Miranda, as well as delegates from companies in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector in Venezuela.

After carrying out a recovery process in equipment, in which contaminants such as oil, acidity and humidity are suspected, the refrigerant is stored in recovery and recycled cylinders and then taken to the new center, where it goes through a distillation and filtering process and is subjected to strict purity and quality controls.

The refrigerant is then delivered for reuse in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, representing a saving of more than 75% of the initial cost of virgin refrigerant. Thus, in addition to protecting the environment, principles of circular economy and sustainable refrigeration are applied, as our environment requires so much.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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