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The regional HVAC industry meets at the Salón del Frío, Quito 2024

La industria regional HVAC se da cita en el Salón del Frío, Quito 2024

Ecuador. From June 18 to 20, the doors of Expo Salón del Frío, Quito 2024will be open, an event that attracts professionals, companies and enthusiasts of the Ecuadorian and international industry.

In dialogue with ACR Latin America, Xavier Sandoval, member of ATEAAR Ecuador and organizer of the Salón del Frío, refers to the trajectory of the event, as well as the development of its edition this year.

"The Salón del Frío has established itself as a benchmark event in the sector, attracting professionals, companies and enthusiasts from all over the country and the world. This year, we have expanded our offer of exhibitors, workshops and conferences, covering the latest innovations and trends in refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning technology," says Sandoval.

More than 20 commercial exhibitors, representing leading and emerging companies in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry from all over Ecuador, are part of this edition of the Salón del Frío, Quito 2024.

- Publicidad -

Of these, more than 6 exhibitors represent key government entities that play a critical role in the development and regulation of the refrigeration and HVAC industry. According to the organizers, their presence at the event offers attendees valuable insight into the policies, regulations, and ongoing projects that are shaping the future of the sector.

In addition, Xavier Sandoval points out that "the Salón del Frío, Quito 2024 has an outstanding list of speakers from various countries this year. Among them, there are internationally renowned experts who bring their knowledge and experiences on the latest trends and innovations in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry."

One of these speakers is Andrés Trujillo, who is the president of ASHRAE Colombia Chapter and is also a Specialist in HVAC system design and certification of HVAC-R technicians in Latin America. Similarly, the event has the participation of Walter Gamarra, president of the Ecuador Chapter, who arrives in the Ecuadorian capital to talk about the Ecuadorian Construction Standard.

Student Competition
The Student Oral Presentation Contest, held within the framework of the Salón del Frío, Quito 2024 is a component of the event that offers a platform for students to showcase their research, projects, and knowledge. Among its objectives are to promote innovation and research while encouraging creativity and innovation among students, encouraging them to develop new ideas and solutions in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning.

Focus on Sustainability
In its current version, the Salón del Frío, Quito 2024 highlights solutions and practices that help reduce environmental impact, especially those that are within Ecuadorian construction regulations. Attendees can learn how to implement greener and more energy-efficient technologies, which not only benefits the environment, but can also result in significant savings in the long run.

"We collaborate with media and associations such as ACAIRE and VENACOR to promote the event and attract professionals and companies from Latin America and the world. We also offer a conference program with international experts. By offering high-quality content and global relevance, we ensure that the event is attractive to professionals from all over Latin America," says Xavier Sandoval.

Impact of the event
The executive also highlights that the historical impact of the Salón del Frío on the refrigeration and air conditioning industry in Ecuador has been multifaceted, encompassing technological development, the professionalization of the sector, the creation of commercial networks, the training of professionals, the promotion of sustainability, and the strengthening of the local market.

- Publicidad -

"Being the first time it is held in Quito, the Salón del Frío acts as a bridge, bringing innovations and technological advances to all regions of Ecuador since more companies near the Andean region can access. This helps modernize local practices and improve efficiency in key industries, such as agribusiness and fisheries, which rely heavily on refrigeration. The Cold Show, Quito 2024 generates a significant economic boost for the central regions and in general for all of Ecuador. Improvements in the efficiency and sustainability of local operations can increase the profitability of companies and create new employment opportunities, contributing to the economic development of the surrounding regions," concludes Sandoval.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

One thought on “The regional HVAC industry meets at the Salón del Frío, Quito 2024”

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  1. Luz Marlén Sarmiento Pinto
    Monday, 17 June 2024 19:36
    Un Evento importante y de alta eficiencia comercial según mi experiencia .

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