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New portfolio of condensing units from Embraco

EmbracoMexico. Embraco unveiled its new portfolio of condensing and sealed units for the Mexican market. Now, the second generation of condensing units (CDUs) is available in this country as part of the brand's standard line of cooling solutions. The standardized catalog includes low and medium temperature return units, ranging from 1/10 HP to 1 1/2 HP.

The new CDUs portfolio includes next-generation Embraco compressors, the FFU, NEU and NTU platforms, renowned for their high energy efficiency, performance and reliability. Neu and NTU families increase energy efficiency by up to 5% to 10%, compared to previous families. The CDUs portfolio is suitable for multiple applications in food retail and food service, such as reach ins refrigerators, freezer undercounters, refrigerated preparation tables, displays, bottle racks, horizontal freezers, supermarket islands and display cases.

The concept and development of this new line of condensing units focused on commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturers, installers and end users, and the result is a high-quality, energy-efficient and easy-to-maintain option, equipped with standard electrical components and connections.

"The implementation of this portfolio responds to a demand we see in the market for higher value-added solutions, including short lead times and optimized selection, installation and maintenance processes. We have carefully selected the components of the units so that they can be easily repaired using parts already available on the market. The designs of the units are specifically for the North American market and meet all the strictest requirements of the countries in the region. This portfolio was developed in close collaboration with regional technical experts to ensure that the various feature packages covered all the needs of different industry segments," explains Kerry Obrate, Senior Sales Manager at Nidec Global Appliance, responsible for Embraco's North American portfolio. "For the end user, the main gains are the energy savings of high-efficiency compressors and greater robustness and ease of service, leading to significantly reduced downtime," he adds.

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Simple selection process
The company offers three different feature pack options, providing the benefit of the customer choosing the level of attributes they want to include in their unit: Simple, Plus, and Ultimate. There's also a low-profile option, called "Ultimate Compact," designed for applications with height restrictions. The portfolio was designed for low and medium temperature applications of up to 1 1/2 HP, using R404A or R134a, or the new replacement refrigerants (R448A, R449A, R513A).

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

3 thoughts on “New portfolio of condensing units from Embraco”

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  1. Hector
    Thursday, 15 July 2021 10:24
    Calderas electricas de calefacción urbana
  2. Hector
    Wednesday, 14 July 2021 17:58
    Ficha técnica de la caldera de favor.
    1. Duván Chaverra Agudelo dchaverra2020
      Thursday, 15 July 2021 09:02

      Buen día, Héctor.

      ¿A qué caldera se refiere?


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