The year is just beginning and we are strengthening the process of organizing the second edition of TecnoEdificios. As main novelties we tell you that this year the three speakers best qualified by the attendees in the previous edition will accompany us once again in 2011.
They are Dr. Héctor Torres Pérez, vice president and director of Asset Protection of Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, who will be back on the security panel; José Luis Correa, director of the Solutions department for Middle Americas at Johnson Controls, will join us on the sustainability panel, and Óscar Silva, commercial vice president of EBC Ingeniería, will be back on the integration panel. The talks that these three speakers will give, as well as the rest of the conferences, will be analyzed by the Advisory Committee and released soon. At the moment we invite you to fill out a survey, in order to know your suggestions on some topics that you would like to see in this edition. To enter click here.