Two months after the fifth international forum, Building Tech Americas 2008 (BTA), all its academic programming is ready, which will have the participation of recognized companies in the industry such as Trane, Novar, Insetrón, Siemens, Anixter, EBC Ingeniería, LightHouse, GE, Jones Lang Lasalle, Natural Cooling, in addition to the keynote presentations by Jim Sinopoli, consultant of the firm Sinopoli & Associates.
Likewise, BTA has the support of LonMark International and the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction as sponsoring associations, as well as the support of, Portafolio and Revista Semana as media partners for the United States and Colombia respectively.
LonMark International is a global organization created to promote and advance the business of efficient and effective integration of control systems using ANSI/CEA 709.1 and convex standards. And the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction (CCCS), brings together in the country all the companies, entities and professionals that work for the transformation of the construction sector towards sustainability., an online magazine aimed at change agents who are creating the new definition of the smart, integrated, connected, green building, as well as the convergence of large buildings, supports for the second time in a row BTA; Portafolio, a newspaper of economics and business in Colombia, provides a detailed study of economic information; Semana Magazine, which presents analysis and opinions of current affairs in this country, support the event for the first time as media partners.